The credit history of a car buyer is a major factor in getting approved for a car loan. Unfortunately, purchasing a car with bad credit is a daunting process, even if you have income and a stable job history. Although, there are several car dealerships in the USA that offer hassle-free in house financing options for bad credit & no credit issue car buyers. Here in this blog, we’re going to discuss some helpful tips to Finance A Used Car With Bad Credit . Know Current Rates: It is great to check out online for the latest average auto loan rates that help you understand what rate you should expect. If you have good credit, it is easy to qualify for a rate at or below average. And with bad credit, you could have a higher interest rate but be sceptical of any loan rate more than double the average. Your loan rate will affect not only your monthly payment but also the price tag of the car you can purchase. Make Huge Down Payment: Your credit history will limit the size o...