When it comes to purchasing a vehicle, there are a large number of choices available to you. You don't only have to pick the make and model of the car, you also have to choose if you want to purchase a used or a new car. The automobile industry is changing rapidly and prices are only going up. So, it is a very important decision and it can make a big difference in your finances over the upcoming years. Reasons shedding light on why purchasing used vehicles is more sensible - Save A Lot Of Money: Purchasing used cars means you have to pay half or less than the original value of the car which results in saving huge money. If you buy a new car, it lost its 15 - 20 percent of value as soon as you drive it off the lot. Another advantage of purchasing a used car is you can find a car which has a lot of advanced features and is a higher segment car at the price of a basic. Stress-Free Drive: The main advantage is driving the vehicle without the jitters of getting that first...